So, on my free day, I ran errands and did housework, and welcomed Fiona finally to the apartment. It's great now that I have a roomie together with me, and the big room doesn't seem too cold anymore. It would be nice to be able to have a room all to myself , with the freedom to blast the music and stay in bed all day, but, it's also nice to know that there's somebody near by whom you can wake if you happen to hear a bump in the dark.
On Saturday, I went to the amusement park, in North Sydney. Luna Park is a really old style amusement park, with none of the high tech rides you see nowadays in all other theme parks. They had a rickety old Ferris wheel, a traditional carousel, a very noisy rollarcoaster, the normal kiddie rides, and all the traditional sideshow games! The rides were very limited, but because it was in the old timer style, I was very much taken by it.
Even though the rides were in the old style, it was still very much adrenaline pumping. That's true especially for the stalls in the Coney Island attraction. Look at the slides in one of the photos... I actually slid down 2 out of the 3 slides, and before you dare say how easy it looks, consider the height and the steepness of these slides. And if you still disagree with me on the excitement to be had from riding these slopes, I most heartily dare you to try the slides before you say anything else.
Running through the hamster wheel was hysterical, with everyone waving their arms any way trying to keep from falling. One uncle who went before me couldn't cope with the speed of the wheels, and tumbled to the floor and couldn't get up for quite a while! The operator had to slow the hammie wheel before you could recover his balance. It was good fun and laughter all around. Of course the kids did this the best, they never fear and have a wonderful sense of balance.
Pictures of me running through the hammie wheel is with Jane, and I really am too lazy to download them to my computer from my email now, but I shall post them some day. In the meantime, here are more photos of Luna park, Milson's point, and more harbour bridge scenary shot from either Milson's point or from the Ferris wheel.

The slide photos aren't too clear... but I suppose you'll find some way of enhancing the images! :D
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